Tighten Loose Skin with Renuvion

The average human skin covers a whopping 22 square feet, making it the body’s largest organ. Unfortunately, when the processes of aging strike, the effects can be seen may places on this extensive canvas. Thankfully, new technologies are answering the call, and we’re now able to tackle loose skin without resorting to invasive surgeries.

At Cosmetic Surgery Center, both Dr. Trent Fogleman and Dr. Paul Benien Jr. excel in the field of plastic surgery, but we also realize that surgical solutions aren’t for everyone, which is why we offer nonsurgical alternatives. While few procedures beat surgical lifts when it comes to tightening loose skin, new technology comes awfully close, and we’re pleased to offer Renuvion® skin tightening at our practice.

Here’s a look at how Renuvion works to tighten loose skin most anywhere on your body.

Behind your loose skin

Before we get into our state-of-the-art cosmetic technology, let’s quickly take a look at why our skin sags as we get older, which will help us better explain why Renuvion is so effective.

There are several factors that contribute to aging skin, with exposure to the elements and the natural loss of collagen leading the charge. Starting in your 20s, your collagen production begins to drop off by about 1% a year, which means your tissue slowly loses structural support. As a result, your skin succumbs to gravity and sags and wrinkles.

Complicating matters are the years of exposure your skin has endured at the hands of the sun’s ultraviolet rays. The radiation in these rays prematurely breaks down your collagen fibers, damages your skin cells, and leads to hyperpigmentation (think age spots). 

Combined, these forces rob your skin of its youthful tone and elasticity.

How Renuvion fights back against aging skin

Renuvion is a minimally invasive procedure in which we deliver helium-derived plasma and radiofrequency (RF) energy either onto the surface of your skin or subdermally.

When we deliver it to the surface of your skin, the RF energy ablates the tissue. This resurfacing clears away old and damaged skin cells and paves the way for healthier growth. The energy also elicits a collagen response in your tissue, which helps tighten your skin.

When we go below the surface of your skin with Renuvion, we use a special tube called a cannula. We only need to make a very small incision to insert the instrument, which means you won’t have the scarring associated with surgery.

This approach works deeper in your tissue to spur a mild healing response, which comes in the form of renewed collagen production. This renewed collagen lifts and tightens your skin from the inside.

We can use Renuvion wherever you’re struggling with loose skin, including your:

The technology is so precise that we’re also able to target specific areas around your face to erase wrinkles and blemishes and tighten certain areas, such as around your jawline.

Over the weeks following your Renuvion procedure, you’ll realize gradual results as your tissue rebuilds itself on a cellular level.

If you’d like to explore how Renuvion can tighten your loose skin, schedule a consultation at our office in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. Simply click here to set up an appointment.

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