How Can I Lift and Reshape My Sagging Thighs?

How Can I Lift and Reshape My Sagging Thighs?

At Cosmetic Surgery CenterDr. Trent Fogleman and our team pride ourselves on offering solutions for cosmetic concerns from head to toe. Our ability to contour your body to meet your body-shape goals extends to many areas, including your thighs.

If you’re displeased with sagging or drooping in your thighs, there are several ways we can address the problem, which we review here.

Different issues in your thighs

The thighs are fairly big areas, and there are many reasons why clients come to us for reshaping. For example, perhaps you’ve lost a considerable amount of weight and the skin around your thighs didn’t bounce back and resettle over your slimmer profile. Instead, it sags around your thighs, especially in your inner thighs.

Or, maybe age is catching up with you and the skin covering your thighs is beginning to sag, which can be especially noticeable when you’re out in the sun in your bathing suit.

Lastly, maybe you’ve got stubborn pockets of fat around your thighs that are resisting your diet and exercise efforts.

We can address each of these issues in different ways, so not all of our thigh-lift procedures are the same. 

Recontouring your thighs through liposuction

If stubborn pockets of fat are bothering you, we can turn to liposuction to remove the fat. You shouldn’t view liposuction as a weight loss tool, but as the ultimate weapon in tackling deposits of fat that fail to respond to diet and exercise.

Tightening the skin around your thighs with Renuvion J-Plasma®

If you want to tighten sagging skin around your thighs, we turn to an innovative technology called J-Plasma. Using a small incision, we insert a device that delivers radiofrequency energy and helium gas (combined they create plasma) into your tissues. This energy contracts your skin and also creates a call for more collagen production.

We’ve found that a Renuvion treatment in your thighs can complement our other thigh procedures, including liposuction and a thigh lift, which we get to next.

Removing excess skin with a thigh lift

Like a tummy or face lift, with a thigh lift, we remove excess skin. More than 9,000 of these procedures are performed each year in the United States and typically for people who’ve lost considerable weight and are left with sagging skin around their thighs.

With a thigh lift, we make an incision, which can be horizontal, vertical, or both. Then we remove the excess skin, pull the skin taut, and suture the new edges together. This is a more invasive approach and requires that we use general anesthesia. Recovery is also longer, and you’ll have to wear compression garments for a month or two.

As you can see, there are plenty of ways to reach your goals when it comes to your thighs. To figure out which approach is right for you, we invite you to contact our office in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, to set up a consultation.

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