Get Your Pre-Baby Body Back with a Mommy Makeover

The aftereffects of a pregnancy can be somewhat shocking, often leaving new moms uncomfortable with their body changes and unsure of what to do next. A good diet and regular exercise can certainly help reduce the extra pregnancy weight, but there are other pregnancy-related issues that our doctors at Cosmetic Surgery Center can help you address through the popular Mommy Makeover package.

What’s a Mommy Makeover?

Our medical team designed the Mommy Makeover package especially for new moms who are looking for a way to restore their pre-baby body. The makeover addresses a variety of the issues at the forefront of a new mom’s mind, including:

You aren’t required to have all of the services as part of your makeover, so it’s OK to mix and match your procedures. Your Cosmetic Surgery Center doctor works closely with you to determine which areas of your body you want to be freshened up.

Our Mommy Makeover may be the ideal solution for enhancing your natural beauty if you’re done nursing and have reached a stable body weight. If you’re planning to have more children, these procedures may not be right for you, but your doctor can certainly evaluate your concerns to see what makeover procedures might be a better fit.

What kind of procedures does a Mommy Makeover entail?

Your doctor offers several surgical strategies to address issues in your breasts, abdomen, buttocks, and vagina.

For your breasts:

If you have concerns about the shape, size, or structure of your breasts, your doctor may recommend a breast augmentation that restores lost volume due to pregnancy changes and nursing. You can receive either silicone gel or saline implants to correct asymmetry and improve the overall shape and size of your breasts.

Your doctor may also recommend a breast lift, a surgical procedure that raises and reshapes your breasts. With a breast lift, your doctor repositions your breasts and gives you a better shape without changing the size of your breasts.

For your buttocks:

A butt lift is a popular procedure among new moms who now sport a sagging, flat backside after a pregnancy. The surgery is often referred to as a Brazilian butt lift and involves your doctor using liposuction to collect excess fat from other areas of your body, then adding it to your backside. The procedure gives you a more shapely, well-balanced butt while slimming your waist, thighs, and hips.

For your abdomen:

If you’re unhappy with the appearance of your abdomen thanks to sagging, stretched-out skin and stubborn fat deposits, a tummy tuck may be the ideal solution. The tummy tuck, also known as abdominoplasty, involves the removal of excess fat and skin from your abdomen. Your doctor can also repair any muscles that have become weak or separated.

If you’re worried about the appearance of stretch marks, the tummy tuck procedure will actually reduce most of the visible stretch marks resulting from pregnancy, leaving you with a firmer, slimmer, and smoother abdominal region.

For your vagina:

Your vagina is at risk of some serious changes due to hormonal fluctuations during pregnancy, the trauma of childbirth, and post-pregnancy weight loss, all of which may leave you with a vagina that’s a little stretched out.

We offer the popular labiaplasty procedure that restores the structure of your vagina, which offers benefits like increased sensitivity during sex and better support for your pelvic floor organs, including the bladder. This vaginal rejuvenation surgery is also very effective at improving the appearance of your vagina, so you’ll feel more confident during intimacy.

For your overall body:

If you’ve been eating right and staying active, but still can’t lose stubborn areas of body fat, liposuction may be a great option. During a liposuction procedure, your doctor inserts a small tube to vacuum out unwanted deposits of fat. Your doctor can contour the treatment areas, giving you a smoother, more slender appearance that diet and exercise can’t provide.

There are many options here at Cosmetic Surgery Center for getting your pre-baby body back. If you’re ready for a change, our medical team can help you boost your self-confidence as you continue through mommyhood. Contact our office in Oklahoma City by calling or clicking today.

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