Get Your Body Back After Baby with a Mommy Makeover

The road to building your dream family can be an exciting and tumultuous one. In just nine short months, you accommodate a growing life and bring the new bundle of joy into the world — several times over if you have more than one child. And while you beam with joy at your growing family, you may not be so thrilled with the alterations to your body. Thankfully, there’s a way back to your prebaby body with our mommy makeover.

Here at Cosmetic Surgery Center, under the expert direction of plastic surgeons Dr. Trent Fogleman and Dr. Paul Benien Jr., we offer mothers in Oklahoma City the chance to have the best of all worlds — motherhood and a body that harkens back to prepregnancy times. It’s called the mommy makeover, and here’s how we can erase the signs of pregnancy.

Pregnancy and your body

If you’re reading this, we don’t have to tell you about the extreme changes your body undergoes during pregnancy and breastfeeding. In fact, you’re probably still amazed that your body went through all of that mostly intact.

For some women, their bodies bounce back easily after pregnancy, but most women undergo more permanent changes that include:

Since each woman is different, these side effects of pregnancy vary greatly, which means there’s no one-size-fits-all surgical solution to the postpregnancy problem. But there is the mommy makeover.

Making mommy over

One of the first things to understand about a mommy makeover is that your makeover will be unlike another mother’s, as these procedures are tailored to your unique concerns and goals.

When you come in to see us, we spend a good deal of time reviewing the current state of your body, and then we discuss your goals. We offer a number of different procedures that can correct a host of postpregnancy problems, including:

In other words, no matter your complaint, the odds are good that we have just the right technique to correct the issue.

The mommy makeover road

Many mommy makeovers don’t happen with one surgical procedure (though some do) as we need to tackle one or two issues at a time for the safest approach. Rest assured, we do combine procedures whenever we can to reduce your downtime, but this decision is largely up to you and based on your circumstances. You’re a mom after all, and downtime is hard to come by. We understand that and work with you to develop the best timeline for your mommy makeover.

It’s important to note that you shouldn’t be planning on having any more children after we start our work. Nothing undoes a mommy makeover like another pregnancy.

If you’d like to see what we can accomplish through a mommy makeover, we invite you to give us a call at (405) 265-9255 or use the convenient online scheduling tool to set up an appointment.

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