Everything You Need to Know About a Brazilian Butt Lift

If you’ve ever wished you could take fat from your perceived trouble areas and move it to your derriere, you may want to consider a Brazilian butt lift. The procedure uses fat in your own body to sculpt your rear to your desired appearance. Read on to learn more about the procedure or contact Brazilian butt lift specialists Cosmetic Surgery Center in greater central Oklahoma to schedule a consultation.

A Bit of History on the Brazilian Butt Lift

Dr. Ivo Pitanguy pioneered the Brazilian butt lift. He was a world-renowned plastic surgeon from Brazil who died in 2016 at age 90. On his clinic’s website, Dr. Pitanguy wrote, "An individual's suffering is not proportional to his deformity, but to the perturbation caused to his harmony by living with his image.” In other words, he was passionate about helping people attain a physique that feels aligned with their true selves.

Over 320,000 butt augmentation surgeries were performed around the world in 2015, prompting the American Society of Plastic Surgery to dub it the “year of the rear.” The Brazilian lift was and remains a popular option.

How Brazilian Butt Lifts Work

Several types of cosmetic procedures for the buttocks exist. During the Brazilian butt lift, fat is displaced through grafting or injection. Your surgeon performs liposuction to remove fat from other areas, such as your abdomen, hips, or thighs. This fat is then processed and implanted into your butt. It varies from conventional butt lift surgeries, which reduce the volume of your behind by removing excess fat and skin — usually in people who’ve lost a lot of weight.

Benefits of a Brazilian butt lift may include:

Safety of Brazilian Butt Lifts

Butt lifts are generally safe, although, like all surgeries, they do bring some risks. The most common side effects include bruising, asymmetry, swelling, pain, and infection in the treatment area. Working with a qualified, experienced surgery and following your aftercare instructions can help minimize these risks.

Brazilian butt lifts are considered safer and more effective than traditional butt implants, which may flip or put pressure on nerves to your legs. And they’re a lot safer than silicone injections, which have been banned in most countries because of very serious complications.

Good Candidates for Brazilian Butt Lifts

If you feel self-conscious about your rear, you may be a candidate for a Brazilian butt lift. You should also be in good health physically and emotionally and have realistic expectations for the procedure. If your body weight has yo-yo'ed up and down or you don’t have much excess fat in other areas, you’re probably not a strong candidate. Talk to your doctor if you have a chronic health condition such as heart disease, depression, or diabetes, which can raise your risk of complications.

Brazilian Butt Lift Results

After your procedure, you may experience a fair amount of swelling. Some of the fat injected dissolves, so don’t worry if your butt looks larger than you’d anticipated at first. As your body heals and 15-35% of the fat dissolves, your end results become more apparent. Brazilian butt lift results tend to look very natural, making most recipients grateful they opted for the procedure.

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